Friday, May 16, 2008

Personal Development - Don't Look To Erase Your Negative History Just Yet

Yesterday I decided to clear the history of websites saved in my browser. On this particular computer, all I do is simply click on “tools”, and then choose “delete browsing history.”  Really nothing to it at all. The next time I type a web address into my browser address bar, it’s as though it’s the first time I have typed it. Nothing is pre-programmed, all previous web addresses have been erased and I’m starting from scratch.

What if you could do that for some your own personal history? Erase things such as business failures, relationship that went sour, and a whole host of other negative experiences that cause you to be tentative the next time you venture into that space again.

Champion Nugget: Keeping your negative experiences can help you more than deleting them, but you need to view them for what they are: incredible learning tools. You’ve heard the saying “Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.” If we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. Many of you would like to simply click on the life button that says “Delete History” but you need to really think about what benefit that would provide.

You’ve made bad decisions in the past? Welcome to the Champion Club.

Maybe you trusted someone or some company to treat you right and were disappointed, no biggie - you won’t make the same mistake twice right? You see, I honestly believe that those of us that are willing to put ourselves out there, can be invaluable to others who may head down that same road. You and I both know, most people are back seat drivers, they take no action and critique others. You need to take action and report back to other champions about what you have learned.

Wherever I speak, people say “Sam, I just can’t do what you did. There is no way I can walk away from a six figure job - period.” Then I ask “Do you have children? Would you walk away from them? Do you have dreams? Would you walk away from them?”

Until the pain gets to be so unbearable that you can’t stand it any longer, you will never think abolut what you are truly walking away from. “But Sam, what about things like health insurance? I need the security of knowing my medical bills will be paid in the event of an emergency.” Each situation is different when it comes to your health. In 2003 I hired a personal trainer and began monitoring certain things I ate. I never considered myself out of shape until I started working with someone who was actually in shape. My whole outlook changed on health and I must admit, aside from a couple bouts with the common cold, I have not been ill in the past five years. As for the cost of health insurance, you can pay COBRA rates when you leave your employer or you can do research as to what best fits your family’s needs. If I wanted to maintain the current insurance I enjoyed in my previous job, it would have cost me $1200 a month. I declined, and instead invested in a health care account complete with insurance and prescription coverage for $250 per month. I do not profess to be an expert on health care, it’s just an example of eliminating one objection for leaving a job and going off on your own.

As I tell everyone, the road to where I have arrived has not been easy - not by a long shot - but I wouldn’t trade it for any other experiences out there. And the best part is, I’m 39 years old with alot left in my tank, we’re just getting warmed up!

Had I let all my negative past experiences drive my decision-making process, I would still be stuck in a corner office paralyzed by fear, getting updates at night from my wife how our daughters were doing in school and what new things they learned that day or that week.

Don’t look to delete your negative history just yet. Learn from the mistakes you have made and vow to use that as valuable information on your way to success. Stop beating yourself up over things you cannot change. You will not add one more minute to your life by worrying. You can however add many years to your life by taking action.

Go for it.

You are a champion.


This article is compliments of Sam Crowley at


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