Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Making the Most of Today: By Denis Waitley

What each of us is doing this minute is the most important event in history for us. We have decided to invest our resources in THIS opportunity rather than in any other.

It is helpful to remember this when we consider the passage of time. As I write this, my mother is in her eighties and I will never see fifty again. As the years pass, I am acutely aware that the bird of time is on the wing. At my fortieth high school reunion, I saw people who claimed to be my former classmates. We all had big name tags printed in capital letters so we wouldn't have to squint with our reading glasses on trying to associate the name with each well-traveled face. It was only yesterday that I was really enjoying high school. What had happened to the four decades in between? Where had they flown?

To the side of the bandstand, where the big-band sound of the late 1940s and 50s blared our favorite top-ten hits, there was a poster with a printed verse for all of us to see. I read the words aloud: "There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension."

"One of these days is YESTERDAY, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed or erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone."

"The other day we should not worry about is TOMORROW, with its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise, and its poor performance. Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control."

"This leaves only one day, TODAY. Anyone can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities - Yesterday and Tomorrow - that we break down."

"It is not the experience of Today that drives us mad, it is remorse and bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring. Let us therefore… Live this one full TODAY."

Malcolm Forbes believed the important thing is "never say die until you're dead," and he lived that example to the hilt. It is, as we realize when we suddenly attend our fortieth high school reunion, a short journey.

But it is difficult to be depressed and active at the same time. So get active! Live TODAY.


About the Author:

Denis Waitley is more than a poet, lyricist, best-selling author, and speaker . . . Denis Waitley has studied and counseled leaders in every field -- from Apollo astronauts to Fortune 500 top executives -- and nöw comes to our living rooms. Denis Waitley has painted word pictures of optimism, core values, motivation, and resiliency that have become indelible and legendary in their positive impact on society. Denis has been described by his peers as "the poet laureate" of modern-day philosophers. For the past 40 years he has inspired, informed, and enlightened mïllions of individuals with his 15 nonfiction books, hundreds of audio programs, and entertaining, penetrating, live keynote lectures, seminars, and television appearances. To learn more, visit www.deniswaitley.com.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Motivate Your Employees.The Right Way



Motivate Your Employees…The Right Way


We all know that being recognized and rewarded helps employees feel connected, engaged, and just plain “good” about their jobs.  Think about a time in the past when you were acknowledged by a superior.  Even a simple “Thanks for your help” or “Great job with that project” can go a long way.  There is a secret, though, to motivating and inspiring your employees the right way.  That secret is to first understand what motivates each individual employee, because you’ll want to tailor your recognition method to suit each employee’s unique style.


For example, some employees prefer to be recognized in front of a group where everyone can share in the excitement; others would shrivel of embarrassment and would rather you quietly show your appreciation in a one-on-one setting.  Some employees are motivated by a cash bonus; others by a framed plaque to hang on their wall.  You might think you know what motivates your employees, but you may be surprised.  Take some time to poll your employees to maximize the manner in which you recognize and reward them.  Create a quick survey and include the following:


1)     Do you prefer public recognition or private recognition?

2)     What is it that motivates you to do your best?

3)     How can I best thank you for a job well done? (Give them some examples of things you are willing to do: An afternoon off, cash bonus, gift certificate to their favorite restaurant, etc.)


The bottom-line: Ask your employees how you can best motivate and inspire them.  Don’t try to recreate the wheel and establish a new system.  Trust them...they’ll tell you everything you need to know! 


And while you’re in the process of making sure your employees feel good about their jobs, consult a Professional Coach to make sure you’re performing at your best.  A Coach will give you an objective, big-picture look at what’s working in your life and business and what’s not…and give you the tools to work smarter and not harder.  Contact LifeShine at www.lifeshinecoaching.com.



Michelle Stimpson is a Professional Coach and Business Consultant who empowers her clients to slow down, get clear on priorities, and create a life of purpose. She leads an “Ultimate Living” program for professional women who, in the busyness of today’s world, want a simple solution to get out of overwhelm and stay out forever!  Michelle can be reached through her website at www.lifeshinecoaching.com.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Personal Development - Don't Look To Erase Your Negative History Just Yet

Yesterday I decided to clear the history of websites saved in my browser. On this particular computer, all I do is simply click on “tools”, and then choose “delete browsing history.”  Really nothing to it at all. The next time I type a web address into my browser address bar, it’s as though it’s the first time I have typed it. Nothing is pre-programmed, all previous web addresses have been erased and I’m starting from scratch.

What if you could do that for some your own personal history? Erase things such as business failures, relationship that went sour, and a whole host of other negative experiences that cause you to be tentative the next time you venture into that space again.

Champion Nugget: Keeping your negative experiences can help you more than deleting them, but you need to view them for what they are: incredible learning tools. You’ve heard the saying “Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.” If we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. Many of you would like to simply click on the life button that says “Delete History” but you need to really think about what benefit that would provide.

You’ve made bad decisions in the past? Welcome to the Champion Club.

Maybe you trusted someone or some company to treat you right and were disappointed, no biggie - you won’t make the same mistake twice right? You see, I honestly believe that those of us that are willing to put ourselves out there, can be invaluable to others who may head down that same road. You and I both know, most people are back seat drivers, they take no action and critique others. You need to take action and report back to other champions about what you have learned.

Wherever I speak, people say “Sam, I just can’t do what you did. There is no way I can walk away from a six figure job - period.” Then I ask “Do you have children? Would you walk away from them? Do you have dreams? Would you walk away from them?”

Until the pain gets to be so unbearable that you can’t stand it any longer, you will never think abolut what you are truly walking away from. “But Sam, what about things like health insurance? I need the security of knowing my medical bills will be paid in the event of an emergency.” Each situation is different when it comes to your health. In 2003 I hired a personal trainer and began monitoring certain things I ate. I never considered myself out of shape until I started working with someone who was actually in shape. My whole outlook changed on health and I must admit, aside from a couple bouts with the common cold, I have not been ill in the past five years. As for the cost of health insurance, you can pay COBRA rates when you leave your employer or you can do research as to what best fits your family’s needs. If I wanted to maintain the current insurance I enjoyed in my previous job, it would have cost me $1200 a month. I declined, and instead invested in a health care account complete with insurance and prescription coverage for $250 per month. I do not profess to be an expert on health care, it’s just an example of eliminating one objection for leaving a job and going off on your own.

As I tell everyone, the road to where I have arrived has not been easy - not by a long shot - but I wouldn’t trade it for any other experiences out there. And the best part is, I’m 39 years old with alot left in my tank, we’re just getting warmed up!

Had I let all my negative past experiences drive my decision-making process, I would still be stuck in a corner office paralyzed by fear, getting updates at night from my wife how our daughters were doing in school and what new things they learned that day or that week.

Don’t look to delete your negative history just yet. Learn from the mistakes you have made and vow to use that as valuable information on your way to success. Stop beating yourself up over things you cannot change. You will not add one more minute to your life by worrying. You can however add many years to your life by taking action.

Go for it.

You are a champion.


This article is compliments of Sam Crowley at www.EveryDayIsSaturday.com


Friday, May 09, 2008

They Defeat Themselves - Mike Litman




Earlier this morning I was at the gym and I overheard a

A negative conversation.

From gas prices to layoffs, this person was complaining about

Blah, blah, blah, this person DEFEATED HIMSELF.

The economy didn’t defeat him, his boss didn’t defeat him, he

That’s the power of our MENTAL ATTITUDE.

It can cause us to WIN, to TRIUMPH, or to defeat ourselves.

This is very important.

It’s so easy to look to the left or look to the right and
find somebody complaining about something.

It’s so easy to join in. Misery loves company.

Don’t do it.


YOU weren’t born to complain. YOU my friend were born to WIN.

We make our own economy.

Work on yourself. Become valuable to others.

Become ATTRACTIVE to others.

Become a problem solver to others.

Don’t pass on a complaining, victim driven attitude to your

Pass on the SPIRIT of a HERO. A winner.

Don’t take two steps today. Take one.

Move forward 1%. Yes, just 1%.

Start speaking TRIUMPH over your life.



People are drawn to me.


I like people and people like me.

Amigo, start going the extra mile for others.

Watch what happens.

Get clear on what you want.

If you’re at a job right now and you want to leave it.

Find out how much money you need to make consistently each
month to leave that job and make that your goal.

Don’t make $1,000,000 your goal. Make it your goal for your
business to pay your monthly expenses plus.

Get started. Don’t join the ‘complaining party’

That party will always be there. You’re ABOVE IT.

The world is waiting to EXPERIENCE your gifts, talents, and

Will you let them?

Love Ya! You’re The Best!

Your Coach,


P.S. Be the gift you want to get.


Thursday, May 08, 2008

Quote today...

"No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourself."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Poet

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

BOX It Out

In everyday life we meet trials, obstacles, walls,
and more than anything - Fear.

Within the world of sports, I'm knowledgeable on the
vast majority of them, however, I enjoy boxing.


Boxing is something I've watched since the days of time
when you could catch an awesome spar on ABC's Worldwide
of Sports. And just as it is in life, with this sport, you have
a 50 - 50 chance of winning.

Like anything worth achieving, it's all about preparing.

One of the key techniques in boxing is to punch through
your target, not at it. And in order to reach our destination
we much punch through our trials, obstacles, walls, and
greatly the Fear.

When I say punch through it, I'm speaking of tearing through
it. To the point where it's not recognizable: destroying its
composition and foundation.

You may be asking why such a barbaric sport. And I say to
you, life is barbaric . . . We must learn how to jab at the fear
and then throw an upper-cut when self doubt appears.

We maintain these tactics until we can lift up our hands to
defeating and conquering fear, self-doubt, negative people,
walls, and self destruction.


- Break Barriers Through Belief - Building a strong belief
within our goals, dreams, and desires is by taking action every
single day. Belief comes through doing and doing and doing
and doing, in order to reap the rewards we seek.

Within the doing, the plan may have to be modified. Just
make sure to keep doing.

- Omit Negative Opinions - These negative opinions first
are likely to dwell within. It's true! We often tell ourselves no
before anyone else does.

Recognize the difference between a negative opinion and
constructive feedback.
Often people love to give their opinions
because they are free. Everything that is free shouldn't be
picked up. ;o)

- Exhaust and Examine Opportunities - There's so
much out here today.  There isn't a reason not to get started.
Getting started on what ever goals and dreams set before us
to live the life we deserve.

Like in a great boxing match, the greater of the two will
recognize those doors to walk through because they've
noticed the opportunity in rounds 2 and 3.

Today is the day to Box It Out . . . Whatever your "it" may be,
Box It Out!

Of course we have to keep our guard up from being pelted
with worry, financial debt, struggling relationships, family
issues, a dead end job, and greater than all - self.

It's time to Box It Out to reach your destiny.

I challenge you today, to make a commitment to write out
3 to 5 dreams and or goals, then begin to Box It Out, just on
one, for 90 days.

What you must do is to follow the plan above and more
importantly believe it's possible.

Live Life to Leave a Difference,

C.F. Jackson
Won't Be Denied!

Lighting, 1,000 Dreams Worldwide!

P.S. Aren't you ready to BOX It Out? . . .

Losing because you having tried, doesn't make sense . . .
Won't you agree?
Then you need to take a simple action . . .
Join Won't Be Denied Community--- You've been
here for quite some time and now it's time to
BOX It Out - the FEAR . . .
Join in now at . . .
Opening the door to your support
and your team . .
Isn't time to allow me and your team in?
Then go here now . . .

--> http://www.Join.WontBeDenied.com

Hug Your People: The Proven Way to Hire, Inspire, and Recognize Your Employees and Achieve Remarkable Results

by Jack Mitchell (Hyperion, 2008)

Do you remember the ugly sweater? The one your aunt gave to you at Christmas when you were nine years old? The sweater you buried so deep in your closet that it wouldn't be rediscovered for decades? On top of being a crime against fashion, the gift was a flop because the gift-giver hadn't invested the effort into discovering your preferences or style.

Thankfully, not all gifts are wool sweaters. There's something special about unwrapping a present that's perfectly in step with your taste and interests. Over and above getting a gift you love, you receive affirmation that someone knows and cares about you. The perfect gift makes you feel valued at a personal level.

In Hug Your People, Jack Mitchell shares how the power of personalization attributes to the legendary work culture at upscale clothier Mitchells / Richards / Marshs. As CEO, Mitchell makes hugging his people a top priority. For Jack, hugging serves as a metaphor for personalized praise, encouragement, or friendliness. His company is infected with huggers, and, consequently, his retail stores have become some of the most sought after workplaces in New York City.

Mitchell encourages his associates to develop holistic relationships with one another that transcend the artificial boundaries of personal and professional. He advises managers to connect with those they lead, "as real people rather than as job responsibilities." His premium on personalized relationships translates into an environment where people are both understood and genuinely cared for as individuals.

As a writer, Jack Mitchell's style seems to be a reflection of his personality: upbeat, authentic, and fun. Throughout the book, he liberally doles out exclamation points while casually drifting in and out of stories about friends and colleagues. Some writers can be heavy on motivation and light on applicable content, but Mitchell deftly mixes the inspirational and the practical.

The book's highlights are too numerous to recount during a brief review, but a few areas merit special attention:

  • Chapter Two's tips on hiring to fit culture;
  • The emphasis on expectations rather than rules in Chapter Ten;
  • The entire section on inclusion (Chapters 22-27).

Additionally, nearly every chapter sounds out Mitchell's recurring mantra: "Personalization delivered positively with passion."

Hug Your People floods the reader with reminders that the foremost ingredient of successful business is people. Author Jack Mitchell advises leaders to appreciate, admire, and connect with the uniqueness inside of every person. Mitchell writes with passion, wisdom, and the credibility of having a track record of impressive success. LW subscribers are highly encouraged to embrace his management philosophy as spelled out in Hug Your People.

This article is used by permission from Dr. John C. Maxwell's free monthly e-newsletter, "Leadership Wired," available at www.maximumimpact.com