Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Your Mountain Can Still Be Moved - Johnny Morney

If you are not living the life of your dreams,
I am writing to tell you that you can still
give birth to the greatness inside of you.

It doesn't matter what stage or age you are
in at this moment.

And most of all it doesn't matter what
obstacles or mountains have held you back
in the past.

If you start today you can still move
your mountain. If you have faith the size
of a mustard seed I promise you the mountain
can be moved.

You may be saying Johnny you don't know
what I'm going through. You don't know my
circumstances. And you are right I don't know
what your mountain is, but I do know that
if you have faith you can still move
your mountain.

How do I know you ask? Well I'm glad you
asked that question. You see about 5
years ago I was addicted to crack cocaine,
my wife left me.

I was unemployed, my car was repoed and I was
evicted out of my apartment. I became ill
and the doctor told me it was possibly
colon cancer.

As you can see I had one huge mountain
to move. According to society, people
and statistics my life was over.

My circumstances didn't look very promising
to the untrained eye.

But to someone like me with the faith of a
mustard seed it was an opportunity to
prove them all wrong. It was my chance to
move my mountain.

You must understand that I was 42 years
old when this took place. So, I was
certainly old enough to know the difference
between right and wrong.

This proves that age alone does not mean
you will always make the right decisions.

I was also at an age to where I could have
said I am too old to change my life. I could
have said society and people are right the
statistics say that this is how my life will end.

Therefore, I don't have the power to change
my life or my circumstances.

I decided to take responsibility and control
of my life. I climbed out of my pit and moved
my mountain and so can you.

It doesn't matter what you are going through
or how long you have been going through it.
Your mountain can still be moved!

You want to buy a new home and you have bad
credit, so what, move your mountain.

You want that promotion on your job but you
don't have the education required to get
it, so what, move your mountain.

The doctor said ..... so what, move your
mountain. You did presentations for 20
people and they all said no to your
business, so what,move your mountain.

Your spouse walked out and left you,
so what, move your mountain.

Ten banks turned you down for a loan,
so what, move your mountain.

Your family and friends told you that you
would never be nothing, so what, move
your mountain.

You were downsized, laid off, so what,
move your mountain.

They said you were too old to start
over, so what, move your mountain.

They said you couldn't do it because
you are a woman or a single mom,
so what, move your mountain.

Hold on to your dreams, keep the faith
and move your mountain!

You Are Just A Step Away!

'You may have a fresh start any moment you choose,
for this thing that we call "failure" is not falling
down, but the staying down.' - Mary Pickford
Johnny Morney
3904 Crestgate
Midland, TX

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