Sunday, March 16, 2008

What Makes Up Proper Business Meeting Etiquette - By: Jeff Schuman

How do you have a meeting everyone can leave feeling good about? Meetings have become an inevitable part of doing business for almost every business owner. There are meetings with clients, meetings with employees and meetings with peers or associates.
Almost everyone has suffered through meetings that take up your valuable time and accomplish very little.

In fact, you may find that you yourself have now become numb to that fact that your meetings aren't as good as they could be. And everywhere you look, it seems as if somebody has another idea about how to fix your meetings, and make them more focused, more productive, and more fun! Do you listen to any of them? Some of them may be worth trying. At the very least it is always a good idea to seek input from your team.

So what can you do about it? Simple business meeting etiquette can help you put on a quality meeting. Here are a few tips and ideas for planning your next quality meeting.

1. Schedule your meetings at the best time.
2. Make sure your meetings all start on time - (and whenever possible, avoid scheduling meetings when someone is up against a deadline, or on a tight schedule).
3. Maintain a consistent focus on what topics will be covered (use an agenda).
4. Ensure there is a good level of rapport in the group (people can talk to each other and exchange ideas about what is being discussed).
5. Arrive at a decision - (find new ways to avoid covering the same ground, and ask for input to help create a plan of action.)
6. Use parliamentary procedures - (so that the correct methods for amending or making a motion, following the agenda and taking turns before speaking are being followed).
7. Choose the best location and environment for your meetings - (for example, trying to fit 15 people into a closet-sized room that doesn't have windows or a proper ventilation system is poor planning on your part.)
8. Do not schedule meetings to go over routine topics - (you can send a memo or email for this.)
9. Talk to your group and make your meetings interactive. They will be more attentive if they are involved.
10. Always ask for feedback from participants and allow them to present ideas or get involved.

These ten simple business meeting etiquette tips that guarantee a better meeting for everyone. Follow these and you will see results on what you covered as well as a better attendance at future meetings.

Article source:

Author: Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his small business resources website more small business training.

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