Monday, October 20, 2008

Becoming a Proactive Leader

Becoming a Proactive Leader


Denis Waitley

The knowledge era’s new leaders, many of whom are immigrants and women, are managing change by conceiving innovative organizations and novel ways to attract and motivate employees. They are learning to be proactive instead of reactive, and to appreciate the full importance of relationships and alliances. They also have a healthy aptitude for risk and perseverance, and know how to gain strength from setbacks and failure.

Life’s Batting Average

Baseball’s greatest hitter grew up near my neighborhood in San Diego. When Ted Williams slugged for the Boston Red Sox, my father and I kept a record of his daily batting average. And when I played Little League ball, my dad told me not to worry about striking out. In Williams’s finest year, dad reminded me, the champion failed at the plate about 60 percent of the time.

Football’s greatest quarterbacks complete only six out of ten passes. The best basketball players make only half their shots. Even with satellite mapping and expert geologists, leading oil companies make strikes in only one out of ten wells. Actors and actresses auditioning for roles are turned down twenty-nine in thirty times. And stock market winners make money on only two out of five of their investments.

Since failure is a given in life, success takes more than leadership beliefs and solid behavioral patterns. It also takes an appropriate response to the inevitable, including an effective combination of risk-taking and perseverance. I meet many individuals who are seeking security at all costs, and avoiding risk whenever and wherever possible. Knowing that certain changes would make success much more likely for them, they nevertheless take the path of least resistance: no change. For the temporary, often illusory comfort of staying as they are, they pay the terrible price of a life not truly lived.

Parable of the Cautious Man

There was a very cautious man,

who never laughed or cried.

He never risked, he never lost,

he never won nor tried.

And when he one day passed away,

his insurance was denied,

For since he never really lived,

they claimed he never died.

In other words, missed opportunities are the curse of potential. Just after the Great Depression, Americans, perhaps understandably at the time, took many steps intended to minimize risk. The government guaranteed much of our savings. Citizens bought billions of dollars worth of insurance. We sought lifetime employment and our unions fought for guaranteed annual cost-of-living increases to protect us from inflation. This security-blanket mentality has continued in recent decades as executives awarded themselves giant golden parachutes in case a merger or takeover took their plum jobs.

These measures had many benefits, but the drawbacks have also been heavy, even if less obvious. In our eagerness to avoid risk, we forgot its positive aspects. Many of us continue to overlook the fact that progress comes only when chances are taken. And the security we sought and continue to seek often produces boredom, mediocrity, apathy and reduced opportunity.

We still hear much about security, especially from federal and state politicians. But total security is a myth except, perhaps, for those six feet underground in the cemetery. We may indeed ask our government for guaranteed benefits. But we must be aware that when a structure starts with a floor, walls and ceilings will follow. And herein lies a paradoxical proverb:

You must risk in order to gain security, but you must never seek security.

When security becomes a major goal in life – when fulfillment and joy are reduced to merely holding on, sustaining the status quo – the risk remains heavy. It is then a risk of losing the prospects of real advancement, of not being able to ride the wave of change today and tomorrow. Had the founders of Yahoo, and America Online been concerned with immediate profits and return on investment, we would not be enjoying those Internet services today, each of which has a greater market capitalization than IBM or General Motors.

Procrastination Doesn’t Make Perfect

Perfectionists are often great procrastinators. Having stalled until the last minutes, they tear into a project with dust flying and complaints about insufficient time. Perfectionist-procrastinators are masters of the excuse that short notice kept them from doing the quality job they could have done.

But that’s hardly the only variety of procrastination – which is one of my own favorite hiding places when I try to blame external conditions instead of myself for some difficulty. Mine comes with a gnawing feeling of being fatigued, always behind. I try to tell myself that I’m taking it easy and gathering my energies for a big new push, but procrastination differs markedly from genuine relaxation – which is truly needed. And it saves me no time or energy. On the contrary, it drains both, leaving me with self-doubt on top of self-delusion.

We’re all very busy. Every day we seem to have a giant to-do list of people to see, projects to complete, e-mails to read, e-mails to write. We have calls to answer and calls to make, then more calls to people with whom we keep playing voice-mail tag.

Henri Nouwen’s classic book Making All Things New likens our lives to "overstuffed suitcases that are bursting at the seams."

Feeling there is forever far too much to do, we say we’re really under the gun this week. But working hard or even heroically to solve a problem is little to our credit if we created the problem in the first place. When most people refer to themselves as being under the gun, they want to believe, or do believe, that the pressures and problems are not of their own making. In most cases, however, the gun appeared after failure to attend to business in good time. Instead of being proactive early, they procrastinated until the due date became a crisis deadline.

By the Inch Life’s a Cinch, by the Yard it’s Hard

One of the best escapes from the prison of procrastination is to take even the smallest steps toward your goals. People usually procrastinate because of fear and lack of self-confidence – and, ironically, become even more afraid when under the gun. There are many ways to experiment and test new ground without risking the whole ball game on one play.


Experience has shown that when people go after one big goal at once, they invariably fail. If you had to swallow a twelve-ounce steak all at once, you’d choke. You have to cut the steak into small pieces, eating one bite at a time. So it is with prioritizing. Proactive goal achievement means taking every project and cutting it up into bite-sized pieces. Each small task or requirement on the way to the ultimate goal becomes a mini-goal in itself. Using this method, the goal becomes manageable. When mini-mistakes are made, they are easy to correct. And with the achievement of each mini-goal, you receive reinforcement and motivation in the form of positive feedback. As basic as this sounds, much frustration and failure is caused when people try to "bite off more than they can chew" by taking on assignments with limited resources and impossible timeline expectations.

Two major fears that sire procrastination are fear of the unknown and fear of rejection or looking foolish. A third fear – of success – is often overlooked. Many people, even many executives, fear success because it carries added responsibility that can seem too heavy to bear, such as setting an example of excellence that calls for additional effort and willingness to take risks. Success, without adequate self-esteem or the belief that it is deserved, also can create feelings of guilt and the result is only temporary or fleeting high achievement. Playing it safe can seem more tempting than a need to step forward with determination to do it now and do it right.

Moving from Procrastination to Proactivation:

Here are some ideas to help make you a victor over change rather than a victim of change:

1.    Set your wake-up time a half hour earlier tomorrow and keep the clock at that setting. Use the extra time to think about the best way to spend your day.

2.    Memorize and repeat this motto: "Action TNT: Today, not Tomorrow." Handle each piece of incoming mail only once. Answer your e-mail either early in the morning or after working hours. Block out specific times to initiate phone calls, personally take incoming calls, and to meet people in person.

3.    When people tell you their problems, give solution-oriented feedback. Rather than taking on the problem as your own assignment, first, ask what’s the next step they plan to take, or what they would like to see happen.

4.    Finish what you start. Concentrate all your energy and intensity without distraction on successfully completing your current major project.

5.    Be constructively helpful instead of unhelpfully critical. Single out someone or something to praise instead of participating in group griping, grudge collecting or pity parties.

6.    Limit your television viewing or Internet surfing to mostly educational or otherwise enlightening programs. Watch no more than one hour of television per day or night, unless there is a special program you have been anticipating. The Internet has also become a great procrastinator’s hideout for tension-relieving instead of goal-achieving activities.

7.    Make a list of five necessary but unpleasant projects you’ve been putting off, with a completion date for each project. Immediate action on unpleasant projects reduces stress and tension. It is very difficult to be active and depressed at the same time.

8.    Seek out and converse with a successful role model and mentor. Learning from others’ successes and setbacks will inevitably improve production of any kind. Truly listen; really find out how your role models do it right.

9.    Understand that fear, as an acronym, is False Evidence Appearing Real, and that luck could mean Laboring Under Correct Knowledge. The more information you have on any subject – especially case histories – the less likely you’ll be to put off your decisions.

10.             Accept problems as inevitable offshoots of change and progress. With the ever more rapid pace of change in society and business, you’ll be overwhelmed unless you view change as normal and learn to look for its positive aspects – such as new opportunities and improvements – rather than bemoan the negative.

There is actually no such thing as a "future" decision; there are only present decisions that will affect the future. Procrastinators wait for just the right moment to decide.

If you wait for the prefect moment, you become a security-seeker who is running in place, unwittingly digging yourself deeper into your rut. If you wait for every objection to be overcome, you’ll attempt nothing. Get out of your comfort zone and go from procrastinating to “proactivating.” Make your personal motto: "Stop stewing and start doing!"                   


Denis Waitley is one of America's most respected authors, keynote lecturers

and productivity consultants on high performance human achievement. He has inspired, informed, challenged and entertained audiences for over 25 years from the board rooms of multi-national corporations to the control rooms of NASA's space program; from the locker rooms of world-class athletes to the meeting rooms of thousands of conventioneers throughout the world. He was voted business speaker of the year by the Sales and Marketing Executives' Association and by Toastmasters' International and inducted into the International Speakers' Hall of Fame. CopyrightC Denis Waitley. All rights reserved. For information about his Keynote presentations, contact the FrogPond at 800.704.FROG(3764) or email;

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Do You Have Stinkin' Thinkin?

One of the biggest ahaaa moments for me during my journey of personal development has been learning about the power of the words that we use.

We experience life in abundance whether that abundance be positive or negative. When I look out in nature I see so much abundance everywhere. So where did the poverty mindset that so many people have today come from? I believe one of the reasons so many people think so negatively is because of the words they use and the words they hear.

Words will determine what you think. Do you have order in your mind? I know my own mind has had a lot of chaos over the years. I was a pretty negative thinker, I had a lot of "Stinkin' Thinkin'" happening in my life. What made me realize that I could control my thinking happened because of a headache.

One day a friend told me to quit saying "I have a headache". I looked at her like she was crazy, why would I not say it when it was the truth, I did have a headache. Now for me that was a very bad thing because I have suffered from migraine headaches since I was six years old. She kept telling me to just say "I am healthy" regardless of how I felt.

At that point I tried to make sense of what she was saying and honestly I just didn't get it. However, she was a very good friend and I trusted her so, whenever I started to get a headache, I would repeat to myself "I am healthy". Sometimes it would work and the headache would start, but not develop into a full blown migraine. That was huge for me and made me stop and think about the words that I was using, and the words I was hearing from others.

We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation." Jane Fonda

We frame our thinking by the words we hear. What we listen to on a regular basis impacts us more than we realize. What we allow to enter our brains over and over again gets imbedded into our thought patterns and eventually becomes habit. Some of our ways of thinking are good for us, others are not.

We have to choose daily to make quality word decisions or continue with stinking thinking. Ask yourself what am I surrounding myself with every day? What is repeating over and over and over and over? Is it positive or negative? Is it empowering on disempowering? It is not only the words we speak but the words of others, the words of the media through t.v. and radio, even through music.
The habits we have are a result of our thinking. Sometimes we are negative without even realizing it. Do we say "remember to pick up dog food" or do we say "don't forget to pick up dog food" . Our brains don't recognize the negative and they hear "forget to pick up dog food". Hmm, we are programming our minds to do the exact opposite of what we want.

Making those quality decisions and choosing to say the positive words of the behavior we want rather than what we don't want can change our entire life. When our words line up with the desires we have for our life we begin to speak our future into existence.

How we think each day can be set up by the words we hear and use when we first get up in the morning. What are you hearing? Are you turning on the negative news to start your day? You may want to re-think that habit and start your day on a more positive note. One of the ways you can change your words is through the use of affirmations. I start my day, every day, with positive affirmations. It would be my pleasure to share my list of affirmations with you. Simply send me an email to, put affirmations in the subject line and I will forward to you the list I say each morning.

Your life is what your thoughts make it." - Marcus Aurelius

The good thing is that we all know we can change our habits. We don't always choose to do so but we still know that we can. Words are a habit, and it is just a process to change them.
Delete the habit of negative words. Stay focused the daily habit of powerful and positive words. Remember these are habits therefore in most cases some internal digging is necessary to find out just what you are saying that is not in your own best interest.

My suggestion is to get a recorder, record yourself and then play it back. You may be very surprised at what you hear. You may even have a computer that has a recorder built into it. It is important to relax and get the "real you" on the recorder. Therefore I suggest that either the beginning or end of your day, sit down with the recorder and tell the story of your day. Once you get into your story it will be much easier to speak naturally and chose the words you would normally say. Plus once you have recorded yourself a few times it will also become more natural and you will hear that "real you".

Let me know, via email, what kind of words you have been thinking and saying and which words you have changed. I would love to hear your success stories.

Changing the habit of my words has had a powerful impact on my life. It has even given me the courage to write this article and share what I have learnt with you! I hope that you will be able to impact your life in a powerful way also.

Carla *The Champion* McNeil


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Do you know Randy Snow?

I just listened to Randy Snow on a teleconference
last night. Did you have a chance to dial in?
He was interviewed on the *Motivational Mill.ionaire
Monday September 8th...
*Special LIVE Guest...
Randy Snow...
So Who is Randy Snow>>>
Randy Snow has proven that in order to
succeed today, you must have a 100%
able-bodied mind!
Following his injury, Randy experienced a traumatic,
but ultimately successful, personal transition. Still
paralyzed from the waist down, Randy now refers
to his injury as...
The best and the worst thing that
has ever happened to me....
As an athlete, Randy was inducted into the
United States Olympic Hall of Fame in 2004.
Randy's athletic achievements include...
- Representing the United States in
three summer Paralympic Games;
- Competing in three different Paralympic
sports (racing, basketball and tennis)
-Winning medals in each of these three
Paralympic sports

One of Randy's quotes was "there is nothing
wrong with a silver medal life, if behind it
you have gold medal effort."
Inspire your employees, you can listen to the entire call if you are a member of the Lifestyle Freedom Club.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Are You Insane?

Can you believe someone just said that to me?

Yes - they said, Lisa, ARE YOU INSANE for

working so hard to assist others to life a lifestyle that

they long for?

The answer I came back with was "ABSOLUTELY, I have a right

to bless others and mentor them to a better way of life".

I've learned myself from one of the best coaches, John Di Lemme


I can personally introduce you to him through the

Lifestyle Freedom Club. Go here now...

Treat yourself to a better life. Join me.

Lisa Saline

Again...take action today

Your Success is My Passion.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Quote Today

"Character consists of what you do on the third
and fourth tries." -- James Michener
Are You a Member of the #1 Success & Motivation Club?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Curse Words vs Blessing Words

Your words predict your future ...

My coach and mentor, John Di Lemme, is a man
of morals and integrity ...

Here is a message from John ...


*Curse Words vs. Blessing Words*

You know what is amazing is that people take
that statement so lightly. If you continually
say one curse word a day in your life, and we
all know what a curse word is, guess what, you
are cursing your future and casting your future
into a sea of confusion full of fear...

*Simply Fear Ravages Your Success*

A blessing word, like when you sneeze,
people say 'God Bless You', and a two
seconds later they are cursing...

Let me explain something to you, that 'God Bless You'
is casted out into the sea of fear because of
the curse words that are said each and every day...

Start listening and start taking notice of the
people around you because more people will speak
Curse Words vs. Blessing Words...

Many of you are ashamed and embarrassed to say
things like.. *I am Fired Up* and *I am Excited*
when someone asks you *How are you today*...

Focus right now....

You must understand *YOU* control your future
by the Power of your Words, words you say,
the words you speak, and most importantly
the words you *Speak* into your future...

You choose whether you'll Bless your Future,
or you will Curse your Future

Right Now...

Take a look at your *Results* Today....

Replay the words you spoke in your life in order
to receive either the cursing or the blessings
in your life..

Being truthful to yourself will expose to you
if you have spoken more Curse words or
Blessing words...

It is a Challenging Question to ask yourself if you
have spoken blessing words or curse words.

Here are a few examples of Words of blessings...

Words that speak Increase, Words of
Affirmations of Excitement, Enthusiasm,
Achievement, Belief, Commitment, Determination,

You may be asking why are they are blessing words...

Here's Why...

Because the word 'Blessing'
in the original root word means
*Empowered to Prosper*


When you speak blessings over yourself and your
life, your entire life will change and will alter to
achieve the results of where you want to go...

That is where it takes Stepping out in Faith vs.Walking
in fear. Curse words will definitely keep you
walking in fear..

Make a conscious decision today to say,
*I am blessing my future*

*I am predicting my future by words of Blessing*

And remember, if you are seeded with people who
curse and swear, those words will go into your spirit
and those words will predict your future. You have to
make a conscious decision to only speak, receive, and
be around people who have blessings coming out of their
mouth >>  (With their words)

Blessings is words coming out of your month, not just
when someone sneezes and people say *God Bless You*

That is the most overused statement by people who don't
have a clue about success and life, you sneeze, and they
say *God Bless You* and the next word is a curse or swear
word. It doesn't make a difference or any sense at all :)

I say, don't "God Bless Me' because you have no blessings
inside you to come out because of that. So I want you to
focus on that. Curse Words vs. Blessing Words

Make a decision today to write down the date you are
reading this article and start speaking only blessing
words and your entire life will alter, change and
empower you to fulfill your Champion Dream...

Someone will ask you 2-5 years from now...

What Happened?

What Miracle did you receive?"

Miracles are results only for people who are
stepping out in faith each day to expect a
miracle, you have to be stepping out in

And the first step in the *Miracle Expectation Journey*
is speaking words of favor, speaking words of increase,
speaking words of blessing over your life...

Motivating Champions WorldWide!

John Di Lemme

Article reprint from...

The World Famous John Di Lemme Success E-zine
Rated one of the Top *3* Personal Development
Success Ezines on the internet today for over 7 years!
                          Learn More by visiting...

Lisa Saline

Join the No.1 club for Success with John Di Lemme ...
"Because you were born to live free"

#1 Success Club

Are You a Member of the #1 Success & Motivation Club?

Check it out -



Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Quote today

"Everyone starts from scratch, but not everyone keeps on scratching!"
- Anonymous

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


“Excellence is the result of CARING MORE than others think is wise: RISKING MORE than others think is safe, DREAMING MORE than others think is practical and EXPECTING MORE than others think is possible.”


Friday, June 20, 2008

I See Dead People - Sam Crowley

I See Dead People

The Sixth Sense was a movie that came out in 1999 about a boy who communicates with spirits that don’t know they’re dead. Had I known this was such a marketable trait, I would have promoted myself as a real life Cole Sear - the kid in the movie with his own dead people sight-seeing tour.

I have this ’thing’ I do when I go out into the general public.  Whether it’s dinner, the playground with my kids, a park, grocery store - anywhere USA. I smile at every person I see and say “hello” - I know, it’s crazy. What an utterly absurd thing to do but I still do it - determined that one day a dead person will respond.

I never realized I had this unique ability to see the dead until I contracted the disease of being grateful for waking up each day. I was first diagnosed with gratitude-itis in the late 90’s. I was ten years or so into my corporate career and decided that I was pretty damn lucky to have my health, a good job that pays my bills and woke up on the right side of the ground each day. As my happy meter contiued to rise my ability to see dead people took on a life of it’s own (bad pun, if that’s even a pun - just go with me). At work each day I would respond to “How’s it going, Sam” with “Fired up!” “Excellent!” “Never better!” and the corpses would look at me with their lifeless bodies and keep walking mumbling something to themselves.

I thought the only dead people I saw were in the workplace. No sir - they were everywhere. I would go to lunch, almost skipping down the street, thanking God I wasn’t one of the billion people on earth who slept on a dirt floor with no roof the night before. Then I would stand in line for take-out and just soak in the dead-ness. They were everywhere.

In 2005 I was never more grateful than when I lost everything - EVERYTHING - after a business deal went bad. What did I do? Launched Every Day Is Saturday and stayed true to my promise to my three year old daughter that I would be there for her. I would make her breakfast in the morning, drive her to school, pick her up from school, be at the dinner table with her and put her to bed at night.

I never once thought of becoming part of the walking cemetery outside my home. As the saying goes “Most people die at the age of 25, it’s just takes 50 years to bury them.” I believe it.

I’m speaking to 1200 people in Honolulu next month. It’s a 4hr presentation. Funny how a kid from a town of 8,000 people who stuttered till his high school years will be speaking to over a 1,000 champions. I’m so grateful for what I have and what I’ve become - you have no idea. I’d be grateful if I was speaking to one person in the produce section of Kroger for 5 minutes. I’d be grateful if I caught someone in the halllway of church and encouraged them for just a few minutes to chase their dream and not listen to the naysayers.

Unfortunately, for some strange reason - dead people will not let motivation penetrate their exterior. Some have been beaten down for so long they have given up hope that a better life exists. Where I live we call ourselves Americans. The last four letters of the word American are I Can. People are not climbing under fences to get to Mexico. They are not building rickety rafts to float to Cuba. For some strange reason people are killing themsleves to get to the country where I live. That tells me I may be in the right place at the right time.

The cemetery is filled with millions of people who died with the music still in them - you can hear a symphony playing if you listen closely. Don’t be one of those people. It’s ok to be dead when you’re in the cemetery - not much choice. But it’s not ok to be dead while you’re still above ground. Make a list of all the things going right in your life, stop focusing on everything that may not be perfect. Expect to have a great day today.

When you smile, laugh and sing and have and awesome outlook on life you’lll soon see the “old you” looking back at you. You’ll begin seeing dead people. Your mission is to help them see that in themselves, don’t let them die with the music still in them.

You are a Champion

Sam Crowley

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Are you ordinary or extraordinary?

"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little 'extra' - Jimmy Johnson, American Football Coach

Friday, June 13, 2008

International Motivational Speaker

Hi everyone, I thought you might enjoy this episode from International Motivational Speaker John Di Lemme.

Click this link to check it out:
*Champions Are Born - Losers Are Made* - Bonus - Podcast...

- Lisa

Quote of the day

Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear, and the blind can read. - Mark Twain, 1835-1910, American Writer and Humorist

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Making the Most of Today: By Denis Waitley

What each of us is doing this minute is the most important event in history for us. We have decided to invest our resources in THIS opportunity rather than in any other.

It is helpful to remember this when we consider the passage of time. As I write this, my mother is in her eighties and I will never see fifty again. As the years pass, I am acutely aware that the bird of time is on the wing. At my fortieth high school reunion, I saw people who claimed to be my former classmates. We all had big name tags printed in capital letters so we wouldn't have to squint with our reading glasses on trying to associate the name with each well-traveled face. It was only yesterday that I was really enjoying high school. What had happened to the four decades in between? Where had they flown?

To the side of the bandstand, where the big-band sound of the late 1940s and 50s blared our favorite top-ten hits, there was a poster with a printed verse for all of us to see. I read the words aloud: "There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension."

"One of these days is YESTERDAY, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed or erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone."

"The other day we should not worry about is TOMORROW, with its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise, and its poor performance. Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control."

"This leaves only one day, TODAY. Anyone can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities - Yesterday and Tomorrow - that we break down."

"It is not the experience of Today that drives us mad, it is remorse and bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring. Let us therefore… Live this one full TODAY."

Malcolm Forbes believed the important thing is "never say die until you're dead," and he lived that example to the hilt. It is, as we realize when we suddenly attend our fortieth high school reunion, a short journey.

But it is difficult to be depressed and active at the same time. So get active! Live TODAY.


About the Author:

Denis Waitley is more than a poet, lyricist, best-selling author, and speaker . . . Denis Waitley has studied and counseled leaders in every field -- from Apollo astronauts to Fortune 500 top executives -- and nöw comes to our living rooms. Denis Waitley has painted word pictures of optimism, core values, motivation, and resiliency that have become indelible and legendary in their positive impact on society. Denis has been described by his peers as "the poet laureate" of modern-day philosophers. For the past 40 years he has inspired, informed, and enlightened mïllions of individuals with his 15 nonfiction books, hundreds of audio programs, and entertaining, penetrating, live keynote lectures, seminars, and television appearances. To learn more, visit

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Motivate Your Employees.The Right Way



Motivate Your Employees…The Right Way


We all know that being recognized and rewarded helps employees feel connected, engaged, and just plain “good” about their jobs.  Think about a time in the past when you were acknowledged by a superior.  Even a simple “Thanks for your help” or “Great job with that project” can go a long way.  There is a secret, though, to motivating and inspiring your employees the right way.  That secret is to first understand what motivates each individual employee, because you’ll want to tailor your recognition method to suit each employee’s unique style.


For example, some employees prefer to be recognized in front of a group where everyone can share in the excitement; others would shrivel of embarrassment and would rather you quietly show your appreciation in a one-on-one setting.  Some employees are motivated by a cash bonus; others by a framed plaque to hang on their wall.  You might think you know what motivates your employees, but you may be surprised.  Take some time to poll your employees to maximize the manner in which you recognize and reward them.  Create a quick survey and include the following:


1)     Do you prefer public recognition or private recognition?

2)     What is it that motivates you to do your best?

3)     How can I best thank you for a job well done? (Give them some examples of things you are willing to do: An afternoon off, cash bonus, gift certificate to their favorite restaurant, etc.)


The bottom-line: Ask your employees how you can best motivate and inspire them.  Don’t try to recreate the wheel and establish a new system.  Trust them...they’ll tell you everything you need to know! 


And while you’re in the process of making sure your employees feel good about their jobs, consult a Professional Coach to make sure you’re performing at your best.  A Coach will give you an objective, big-picture look at what’s working in your life and business and what’s not…and give you the tools to work smarter and not harder.  Contact LifeShine at



Michelle Stimpson is a Professional Coach and Business Consultant who empowers her clients to slow down, get clear on priorities, and create a life of purpose. She leads an “Ultimate Living” program for professional women who, in the busyness of today’s world, want a simple solution to get out of overwhelm and stay out forever!  Michelle can be reached through her website at

Friday, May 16, 2008

Personal Development - Don't Look To Erase Your Negative History Just Yet

Yesterday I decided to clear the history of websites saved in my browser. On this particular computer, all I do is simply click on “tools”, and then choose “delete browsing history.”  Really nothing to it at all. The next time I type a web address into my browser address bar, it’s as though it’s the first time I have typed it. Nothing is pre-programmed, all previous web addresses have been erased and I’m starting from scratch.

What if you could do that for some your own personal history? Erase things such as business failures, relationship that went sour, and a whole host of other negative experiences that cause you to be tentative the next time you venture into that space again.

Champion Nugget: Keeping your negative experiences can help you more than deleting them, but you need to view them for what they are: incredible learning tools. You’ve heard the saying “Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.” If we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. Many of you would like to simply click on the life button that says “Delete History” but you need to really think about what benefit that would provide.

You’ve made bad decisions in the past? Welcome to the Champion Club.

Maybe you trusted someone or some company to treat you right and were disappointed, no biggie - you won’t make the same mistake twice right? You see, I honestly believe that those of us that are willing to put ourselves out there, can be invaluable to others who may head down that same road. You and I both know, most people are back seat drivers, they take no action and critique others. You need to take action and report back to other champions about what you have learned.

Wherever I speak, people say “Sam, I just can’t do what you did. There is no way I can walk away from a six figure job - period.” Then I ask “Do you have children? Would you walk away from them? Do you have dreams? Would you walk away from them?”

Until the pain gets to be so unbearable that you can’t stand it any longer, you will never think abolut what you are truly walking away from. “But Sam, what about things like health insurance? I need the security of knowing my medical bills will be paid in the event of an emergency.” Each situation is different when it comes to your health. In 2003 I hired a personal trainer and began monitoring certain things I ate. I never considered myself out of shape until I started working with someone who was actually in shape. My whole outlook changed on health and I must admit, aside from a couple bouts with the common cold, I have not been ill in the past five years. As for the cost of health insurance, you can pay COBRA rates when you leave your employer or you can do research as to what best fits your family’s needs. If I wanted to maintain the current insurance I enjoyed in my previous job, it would have cost me $1200 a month. I declined, and instead invested in a health care account complete with insurance and prescription coverage for $250 per month. I do not profess to be an expert on health care, it’s just an example of eliminating one objection for leaving a job and going off on your own.

As I tell everyone, the road to where I have arrived has not been easy - not by a long shot - but I wouldn’t trade it for any other experiences out there. And the best part is, I’m 39 years old with alot left in my tank, we’re just getting warmed up!

Had I let all my negative past experiences drive my decision-making process, I would still be stuck in a corner office paralyzed by fear, getting updates at night from my wife how our daughters were doing in school and what new things they learned that day or that week.

Don’t look to delete your negative history just yet. Learn from the mistakes you have made and vow to use that as valuable information on your way to success. Stop beating yourself up over things you cannot change. You will not add one more minute to your life by worrying. You can however add many years to your life by taking action.

Go for it.

You are a champion.


This article is compliments of Sam Crowley at


Friday, May 09, 2008

They Defeat Themselves - Mike Litman




Earlier this morning I was at the gym and I overheard a

A negative conversation.

From gas prices to layoffs, this person was complaining about

Blah, blah, blah, this person DEFEATED HIMSELF.

The economy didn’t defeat him, his boss didn’t defeat him, he

That’s the power of our MENTAL ATTITUDE.

It can cause us to WIN, to TRIUMPH, or to defeat ourselves.

This is very important.

It’s so easy to look to the left or look to the right and
find somebody complaining about something.

It’s so easy to join in. Misery loves company.

Don’t do it.


YOU weren’t born to complain. YOU my friend were born to WIN.

We make our own economy.

Work on yourself. Become valuable to others.

Become ATTRACTIVE to others.

Become a problem solver to others.

Don’t pass on a complaining, victim driven attitude to your

Pass on the SPIRIT of a HERO. A winner.

Don’t take two steps today. Take one.

Move forward 1%. Yes, just 1%.

Start speaking TRIUMPH over your life.



People are drawn to me.


I like people and people like me.

Amigo, start going the extra mile for others.

Watch what happens.

Get clear on what you want.

If you’re at a job right now and you want to leave it.

Find out how much money you need to make consistently each
month to leave that job and make that your goal.

Don’t make $1,000,000 your goal. Make it your goal for your
business to pay your monthly expenses plus.

Get started. Don’t join the ‘complaining party’

That party will always be there. You’re ABOVE IT.

The world is waiting to EXPERIENCE your gifts, talents, and

Will you let them?

Love Ya! You’re The Best!

Your Coach,


P.S. Be the gift you want to get.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Quote today...

"No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourself."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Poet

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

BOX It Out

In everyday life we meet trials, obstacles, walls,
and more than anything - Fear.

Within the world of sports, I'm knowledgeable on the
vast majority of them, however, I enjoy boxing.


Boxing is something I've watched since the days of time
when you could catch an awesome spar on ABC's Worldwide
of Sports. And just as it is in life, with this sport, you have
a 50 - 50 chance of winning.

Like anything worth achieving, it's all about preparing.

One of the key techniques in boxing is to punch through
your target, not at it. And in order to reach our destination
we much punch through our trials, obstacles, walls, and
greatly the Fear.

When I say punch through it, I'm speaking of tearing through
it. To the point where it's not recognizable: destroying its
composition and foundation.

You may be asking why such a barbaric sport. And I say to
you, life is barbaric . . . We must learn how to jab at the fear
and then throw an upper-cut when self doubt appears.

We maintain these tactics until we can lift up our hands to
defeating and conquering fear, self-doubt, negative people,
walls, and self destruction.


- Break Barriers Through Belief - Building a strong belief
within our goals, dreams, and desires is by taking action every
single day. Belief comes through doing and doing and doing
and doing, in order to reap the rewards we seek.

Within the doing, the plan may have to be modified. Just
make sure to keep doing.

- Omit Negative Opinions - These negative opinions first
are likely to dwell within. It's true! We often tell ourselves no
before anyone else does.

Recognize the difference between a negative opinion and
constructive feedback.
Often people love to give their opinions
because they are free. Everything that is free shouldn't be
picked up. ;o)

- Exhaust and Examine Opportunities - There's so
much out here today.  There isn't a reason not to get started.
Getting started on what ever goals and dreams set before us
to live the life we deserve.

Like in a great boxing match, the greater of the two will
recognize those doors to walk through because they've
noticed the opportunity in rounds 2 and 3.

Today is the day to Box It Out . . . Whatever your "it" may be,
Box It Out!

Of course we have to keep our guard up from being pelted
with worry, financial debt, struggling relationships, family
issues, a dead end job, and greater than all - self.

It's time to Box It Out to reach your destiny.

I challenge you today, to make a commitment to write out
3 to 5 dreams and or goals, then begin to Box It Out, just on
one, for 90 days.

What you must do is to follow the plan above and more
importantly believe it's possible.

Live Life to Leave a Difference,

C.F. Jackson
Won't Be Denied!

Lighting, 1,000 Dreams Worldwide!

P.S. Aren't you ready to BOX It Out? . . .

Losing because you having tried, doesn't make sense . . .
Won't you agree?
Then you need to take a simple action . . .
Join Won't Be Denied Community--- You've been
here for quite some time and now it's time to
BOX It Out - the FEAR . . .
Join in now at . . .
Opening the door to your support
and your team . .
Isn't time to allow me and your team in?
Then go here now . . .


Hug Your People: The Proven Way to Hire, Inspire, and Recognize Your Employees and Achieve Remarkable Results

by Jack Mitchell (Hyperion, 2008)

Do you remember the ugly sweater? The one your aunt gave to you at Christmas when you were nine years old? The sweater you buried so deep in your closet that it wouldn't be rediscovered for decades? On top of being a crime against fashion, the gift was a flop because the gift-giver hadn't invested the effort into discovering your preferences or style.

Thankfully, not all gifts are wool sweaters. There's something special about unwrapping a present that's perfectly in step with your taste and interests. Over and above getting a gift you love, you receive affirmation that someone knows and cares about you. The perfect gift makes you feel valued at a personal level.

In Hug Your People, Jack Mitchell shares how the power of personalization attributes to the legendary work culture at upscale clothier Mitchells / Richards / Marshs. As CEO, Mitchell makes hugging his people a top priority. For Jack, hugging serves as a metaphor for personalized praise, encouragement, or friendliness. His company is infected with huggers, and, consequently, his retail stores have become some of the most sought after workplaces in New York City.

Mitchell encourages his associates to develop holistic relationships with one another that transcend the artificial boundaries of personal and professional. He advises managers to connect with those they lead, "as real people rather than as job responsibilities." His premium on personalized relationships translates into an environment where people are both understood and genuinely cared for as individuals.

As a writer, Jack Mitchell's style seems to be a reflection of his personality: upbeat, authentic, and fun. Throughout the book, he liberally doles out exclamation points while casually drifting in and out of stories about friends and colleagues. Some writers can be heavy on motivation and light on applicable content, but Mitchell deftly mixes the inspirational and the practical.

The book's highlights are too numerous to recount during a brief review, but a few areas merit special attention:

  • Chapter Two's tips on hiring to fit culture;
  • The emphasis on expectations rather than rules in Chapter Ten;
  • The entire section on inclusion (Chapters 22-27).

Additionally, nearly every chapter sounds out Mitchell's recurring mantra: "Personalization delivered positively with passion."

Hug Your People floods the reader with reminders that the foremost ingredient of successful business is people. Author Jack Mitchell advises leaders to appreciate, admire, and connect with the uniqueness inside of every person. Mitchell writes with passion, wisdom, and the credibility of having a track record of impressive success. LW subscribers are highly encouraged to embrace his management philosophy as spelled out in Hug Your People.

This article is used by permission from Dr. John C. Maxwell's free monthly e-newsletter, "Leadership Wired," available at

Sunday, April 27, 2008

How to Get the Team to Buy Into Your Ideas

The most important ideas in business - the ones that revolutionize processes - are usually met with resistance, resentment, skepticism, and misunderstanding. To help your best ideas succeed, take this four-step approach:

  1. Pre-sell the idea to the power mavens. Get feedback and make revisions.
  2. Re-sell the same idea to the same power mavens. Get feedback and make revisions.
  3. Make your big, formal presentation to the proper group.
  4. Follow up with multiple small meetings with all the implementers until you have their cooperation.

[Ed. Note: Get Michael Masterson’s insights into becoming successful in your business and personal life, achieving financial independence, and accomplishing all your goals on his website. You’ll find updates on Michael’s books, news on upcoming ETR events, Michael’s blog, and room to send in your comments and questions. Check it out today.]

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, the Internet’s most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit

Thursday, April 24, 2008


"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going."
Earl Nightingale: Author, The Strangest Secret, Lead the Field.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Golden Nuggets from my Readings today...

Today I was soaking it all in with my book, highlighter and notebook in hand.
I was reading John Maxwell's book Today Matters.
Some quotes from the book that are life changing are as follows:
"Make the decision once then manage it daily."
Good Decisions - Daily Discipline = A plan without a Pay off
Daily Discipline - Good Decisions = Regimentation without Reward
Good Decisions + Daily Discipline  = A Masterpiece of Potential
"Devoting a little of yourself to everything means committing a great deal
of yourself to nothing" - Michael LeBoef

Wednesday, April 09, 2008 shared this with you: "Time Management" by Randy Pausch, November 2007

New: see Randy's book about his "Last Lecture" at "Time Management" lecture, given by Randy Pausch (hosted by Gabriel Robins ) at the University of Virginia in November 2007. Randy Pausch ( is a virtual reality pioneer, human-computer interaction researcher, co-founder of CMU's Entertainment Technology Center (, and creator of the Alice ( software project. The Powerpoint slides for this lecture can be found at and high-resolution downloadable versions of this and other lectures by Randy can be found at

Here's what you can do next:
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Saturday, April 05, 2008

Success is knowing your purpose in life

Listening to John Maxwell last weekend he prompted me to ask the following:
What is my plan for personal growth? That is a powerful  question.
Do you know your plan for personal growth?
Success is knowing your purpose in life. Growth is not an automatic process. We
don't get better automatically. Keep learning and compounding.
The secret to your success is determined by your daily agenda.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Weekend with Dr. John Maxwell

I spent this past weekend in Atlanta, GA at the Main Event. Dr. John Maxwell was one of the speakers who had some
jam packed wisdom to deliver. John Maxwell said this "The secret to your success is determined by your daily agenda.
Everyday you are preparing or repairing."
"Successful people make important decisions early in their life then manage those decisions the rest of their life."
Remember to add value to people everyday!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Quote on Action...

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."
-- John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United StatesRight-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Your Mountain Can Still Be Moved - Johnny Morney

If you are not living the life of your dreams,
I am writing to tell you that you can still
give birth to the greatness inside of you.

It doesn't matter what stage or age you are
in at this moment.

And most of all it doesn't matter what
obstacles or mountains have held you back
in the past.

If you start today you can still move
your mountain. If you have faith the size
of a mustard seed I promise you the mountain
can be moved.

You may be saying Johnny you don't know
what I'm going through. You don't know my
circumstances. And you are right I don't know
what your mountain is, but I do know that
if you have faith you can still move
your mountain.

How do I know you ask? Well I'm glad you
asked that question. You see about 5
years ago I was addicted to crack cocaine,
my wife left me.

I was unemployed, my car was repoed and I was
evicted out of my apartment. I became ill
and the doctor told me it was possibly
colon cancer.

As you can see I had one huge mountain
to move. According to society, people
and statistics my life was over.

My circumstances didn't look very promising
to the untrained eye.

But to someone like me with the faith of a
mustard seed it was an opportunity to
prove them all wrong. It was my chance to
move my mountain.

You must understand that I was 42 years
old when this took place. So, I was
certainly old enough to know the difference
between right and wrong.

This proves that age alone does not mean
you will always make the right decisions.

I was also at an age to where I could have
said I am too old to change my life. I could
have said society and people are right the
statistics say that this is how my life will end.

Therefore, I don't have the power to change
my life or my circumstances.

I decided to take responsibility and control
of my life. I climbed out of my pit and moved
my mountain and so can you.

It doesn't matter what you are going through
or how long you have been going through it.
Your mountain can still be moved!

You want to buy a new home and you have bad
credit, so what, move your mountain.

You want that promotion on your job but you
don't have the education required to get
it, so what, move your mountain.

The doctor said ..... so what, move your
mountain. You did presentations for 20
people and they all said no to your
business, so what,move your mountain.

Your spouse walked out and left you,
so what, move your mountain.

Ten banks turned you down for a loan,
so what, move your mountain.

Your family and friends told you that you
would never be nothing, so what, move
your mountain.

You were downsized, laid off, so what,
move your mountain.

They said you were too old to start
over, so what, move your mountain.

They said you couldn't do it because
you are a woman or a single mom,
so what, move your mountain.

Hold on to your dreams, keep the faith
and move your mountain!

You Are Just A Step Away!

'You may have a fresh start any moment you choose,
for this thing that we call "failure" is not falling
down, but the staying down.' - Mary Pickford
Johnny Morney
3904 Crestgate
Midland, TX

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Chiropractic and Reducing Stress

This health and wellness article issue for March 2008 is brought to you by

We certainly live in stressful times. It's not easy to assess whether our era is the most stressful, but we do have plenty of daily stress. The job, the home, the kids, the relatives, the economy - all these stresses add up and yet we wonder why we have so many aches and pains. What can we do? The external stresses in our lives aren't going away. Interestingly, chiropractic treatment can be of great assistance in reducing the effects of stress on the body.

Read the full text of the article

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Quote for the day - W Clement Stone

"Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them."
Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.
W. Clement Stone
1902-2002, Author and Businessman

Sunday, March 16, 2008

What Makes Up Proper Business Meeting Etiquette - By: Jeff Schuman

How do you have a meeting everyone can leave feeling good about? Meetings have become an inevitable part of doing business for almost every business owner. There are meetings with clients, meetings with employees and meetings with peers or associates.
Almost everyone has suffered through meetings that take up your valuable time and accomplish very little.

In fact, you may find that you yourself have now become numb to that fact that your meetings aren't as good as they could be. And everywhere you look, it seems as if somebody has another idea about how to fix your meetings, and make them more focused, more productive, and more fun! Do you listen to any of them? Some of them may be worth trying. At the very least it is always a good idea to seek input from your team.

So what can you do about it? Simple business meeting etiquette can help you put on a quality meeting. Here are a few tips and ideas for planning your next quality meeting.

1. Schedule your meetings at the best time.
2. Make sure your meetings all start on time - (and whenever possible, avoid scheduling meetings when someone is up against a deadline, or on a tight schedule).
3. Maintain a consistent focus on what topics will be covered (use an agenda).
4. Ensure there is a good level of rapport in the group (people can talk to each other and exchange ideas about what is being discussed).
5. Arrive at a decision - (find new ways to avoid covering the same ground, and ask for input to help create a plan of action.)
6. Use parliamentary procedures - (so that the correct methods for amending or making a motion, following the agenda and taking turns before speaking are being followed).
7. Choose the best location and environment for your meetings - (for example, trying to fit 15 people into a closet-sized room that doesn't have windows or a proper ventilation system is poor planning on your part.)
8. Do not schedule meetings to go over routine topics - (you can send a memo or email for this.)
9. Talk to your group and make your meetings interactive. They will be more attentive if they are involved.
10. Always ask for feedback from participants and allow them to present ideas or get involved.

These ten simple business meeting etiquette tips that guarantee a better meeting for everyone. Follow these and you will see results on what you covered as well as a better attendance at future meetings.

Article source:

Author: Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his small business resources website more small business training.